It will soon be that time again, time for another Manx Grand Prix, which seems to arrive quicker every year. Once again there is a packed entry of riders, some newcomers and many of them old hands, but all keen to challenge the mountain course. These men and women put on an amazing show, bearing in mind they are essentially amateur riders. Considering they compete for no monetary gain, they deserve all the support they can be given. That is where you can help, by becoming a TT course marshal. The marshals are essential for the races to proceed, which would not happen if there are not enough of them. The Isle of Man TT Marshals Association Ltd recruits and trains marshals, and has over 2,000 registered members. However not all can attend both the TT and MGP and most can only cover some practice or race sessions. With minimum manning levels created by risk assessments at all marshalling posts, it is a constant challenge to man the 37.73 mile mountain course.
If you would like to volunteer your services and assist us and the MGP riders by signing on as a marshal, you will certainly be given a warm welcome. You need no special skills, just to be reasonably fit and possess lots of common sense. Male or female, you have to be aged 16 to 70 (under 18 and you will need parental or guardian consent). Contrary to a popular misconception you do not need to live on the Isle of Man and there is no cost involved in being a marshal. What is required initially is the viewing of a short training laptop presentation showing all the basics required. This will cover the powers of a marshal as you are actually a special police constable during the road closure period. You will be shown various race procedures, the use of flags and how to use the TETRA radios when dealing with incidents and the AIRMED helicopters. Also the removal of motorcycles and debris from the road during an incident. Awareness for your own safety is of paramount importance and you must always ‘look before you leap’.
As a registered marshal you will be urged to take part in an exclusive Incident Management Course, which is tailored to the specific needs of the TT course. The Incident Management Course covers all the points mentioned above, but in more depth and also includes a comprehensive section on basic first aid. Would you know how to correctly remove a crash helmet from an injured rider and fit a neck collar and when to do it? How to resuscitate and then ‘log roll’ a casualty onto a scoop stretcher? At an Incident Management Course you will learn all these techniques and a great deal more. The courses are free to marshals but would normally cost £65. The course takes a day to complete and at the end you will receive a St John Ambulance certificate, “Emergency Aid for Motorcyclists” and a cloth Incident Management Course badge, both valid for three years. Lunch is thrown in, mid session, but not literally!
If you would like to sign on as a marshal for the MGP or would like to undertake the Incident Management Course, please contact our Secretary:
Mr Barrie Miller 66 Waterloo Road, Ramsey Isle of Man Tel/Fax 01624 819794 Email: Website:
Bill Carden Isle of Man TT Marshals Association Ltd