On the final evening’s practising, speeds were down due to wet patches around the Snaefell Mountain Course. The fastest lap was by Craig Atkinson (600 Honda) at 110.204mph.
Practising has now been completed and preparations are now being made for the programme of nine races taking place next wek.
Monday sees the Newcomers and Senior Classic races, Wednesday the Junior Classic and Junior races, and Friday the combined Lightweight and Ultra Lightweight followed by the Senior.
The fastest lap of Practice Week was set by Craig Atkinson (750 Suzuki) 117.396mph, practising for the Senior Race.
In the Junior class, the fastest was Derek Brien (Kawasaki) 114.237mph.
In the Lightweight class, the fastest was Tony Cawte (Honda) 110.651mph.
In the Ultra Lightweight class, the fastest was Micky Grose (400 Kawasaki) 105.495mph
In the Newcomers 750cc class, the fastest was Mats Nilsson (600 Yamaha) 113.328
In the Newcomers 125-400cc class, fastest was Michael Dunlop (125 Honda) 103.812.
In the Lightweight Classic class, the fastest was Peter Wakefield (Suzuki) 93.342mph.
In the Junior Classic class, the fastest was Chris McGahan (Honda) 99.638mph
In the Senior Classic class, the fastest was Alan Oversby (Norton) 102.735mph.
The outright lap record for the Manx Grand Prix stands to Preston’s Alan Jackson at 122.208mph, set in last year’s Senior race.