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History of the Isle of Man Clubman TT Races 1947-1956

Author: Amulree Publications
Posted on: Tuesday, May 22 2007

The History of the Isle of Man Clubman TT Races 1947 - 1956 by Fred Pidcock and Bill Snelling

Everyone with an interest in motorcycle racing, or in motorcycles of the 'Classic' era, has heard of the Clubman's TT. If asked, no doubt many could add some recollections from magazine articles describing these races held in the isle of Man in the years following the Second World War. But question further, and it is likely that apart from remembering that the races were dominated by the BSA Gold Star, and maybe that Geoff Duke and Bob McIntyre took part in the early races, little else would be known.

The History of the Clubman's TT Races 1947 - 1956 gives a race-by-race account of the series, with full race results, a full list of riders and their entrant clubs, supplemented by many photographs illustrating the breadth of talent and machines that were pitted against the world-famous TT Mountain Course (and, for one year, the 10.79 mile Clypse Course). In addition, there are over 20 from-the-saddle articles by riders.

Foreword is by Bernard Codd, double winner of the last Clubman's TT races to be held in the Island.

Available from Island bookshops from 31st May, TTSC, MMCC shops and TTRA headquarters behind the Grandstand, or by post £22.95 (UK) from Amulree Publications, Lossan y Twoaie, Glen Road, Laxey, Isle of Man, IM4 7AN.

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