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Bulletin 7 - Thursday 1st June - pm.

With the cancellation of this afternoons practice session, it gives a chance to look at what has been happening during the week. David Jefferies and Jason Griffiths top two of the class leaderboards with the others being headed by Brett Richmond, Robert Dunlop, Adrian Archibald and Rob Fisher/Rick Long .

T.T Formula 1

David Jefferies, V&M Yamaha R1, 18m 11.6s, 124.43mph

In this class the top five riders have lapped at over 120mph, the top 39 at over 110mph and the top 67 at over 100mph .

Lightweight 250cc

Jason Griffiths, DTR Yamaha TZ250 , 19m 12.1s , 117.90mph

The top 11 riders have lapped at over 110mph and the top 28 at over 100mph.

Lightweight 400cc

Brett Richmond , Honda CBR400 , 21m 26.3s , 105.60mph

The top 18 riders have lapped at over 100mph .


Robert Dunlop , Crossan Honda 125 , 21m 04.2s , 107.44mph .

The top 18 riders lapped at over 100mph .

Singles TT

Jason Griffiths , Chrysalis AMDM 720 , 20m 21.2s , 111.23mph .

The top 9 riders lapped at over 100mph .

Junior TT

Adrian Archibald , Dowd Honda 600 , 18m 46.8s , 120.54mph .

The top two riders lapped at over 120mph, the top 28 at over 110mph and the top 60 at over 100mph .

Production TT

David Jefferies , V&M Yamaha R1 , 18m 46.8s , 120.54mph .

David's was the only 120mph, the top 28 at over 110mph and the top 60 at over 100mph .

Sidecar TT

Rob Fisher / Rick Long, Baker Honda 600 , 20m 38.2s , 109.70mph .

The top 22 crews lapped at over 100mph

All Information Provided By The TT Press Office

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