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Bulletin 8 - Friday 2nd June - pm.

The weather for this evenings practice - damp roads all around the course with poor visibility. The F1/Senior, Junior and Production are off at 6:15pm, the Lightweight, Ultra-Lightweight and Singles at 7:05pm and the Sidecars at 8:05pm. Then it was announced that there would be a 30 minute delay due to a road traffic accident on the course. The session got away at 7pm but would be untimed, and the Lightweights would set off straight after the bigger bikes. First away were brothers Andy Jackson and Alan Jackson jnr on their Production machines, then came F1 riders Jim Hodson and Shaun Harris, Juniors Peter Lovell and Gordon Blackley, F1 John McGuinness and Carl Rennie, Peter Barnett on his Proddie machine and Mark Diffey on his F1 machine. The solo session was stopped at 7:45pm and the Sidecars were off at 7:50pm. Due to the weather, the Sidecars were red flagged at Ramsey and brought back over the Mountain in convoy.

Visit of Kate Hoey M.P. - Minister for Sport.

Kate Hoey M.P. is visiting the Island tomorrow for the TT Formula 1 Race. She will arrive at the Grandstand at 10am and Geoff Wilson, the ACU Chief Executive will take her around the TT Course on a motorcycle. She will return to the Grandstand at 11:15am for a photo call and to meet the Press and to be introduced to TT Officials and selected TT Riders. Kate Hoey will start the TT Formula 1 Race at 2pm, weather permitting, and after viewing the race from various vantage points she will garland the winner of the race.

Scrutineers report that this evening 265 solos and 54 sidecars were examined, making a grand total for the week of 1827, which equates 1462 solos and 365 sidecars. The session was incident free.

Overall leaderboards will be available shortly.

All Information Provided By The TT Press Office

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