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Cast Concert

Pictures From The Cast Concert

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Soundcheck was set up by the Department of Education as a youth Project with the original aim to help young musicians persue their interest in music.
Since then it has developed to include people who are interested in the engineering and business side of the industry.
Through the resources of the Youth Service soundcheck create's opportunities for young musicians. These include:
Gigs and performance events
Workshops and skill development sessions
Support for individuals and bands Recording opportunities
Links with other projects leading to U.K. and international exchange visits and tours

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Top rock band CAST will headline an outdoor gig on Friday 2nd June to be staged in the Villa Marina Gardens, Douglas, Isle of Man. The concert is being organised by the Department of Education's youth project SOUNDCHECK in conjunction with the Millennium 2000 committee and the Department of Tourism, the major sponsors for the gig.

This concert is going to be the biggest and most ambitious event undertaken so far by the project and began last autumn with the presentation to Soundcheck by Millennium 2000 member David Cretney MHK of a cheque for £5000.

"We are very pleased that CAST have agreed to play" said Jonathan Freegard who is the driving force behind the gig, and added: "although they are a huge act, we know that they are still passionate about their music and have not lost touch with where they came from. Some of the Soundcheck bands will get to meet them and then play support to them on the night of the concert".

Peter Maggs, who is a part-time youth worker with Soundcheck said: "Two local youth bands will play in support. The competition for the support slots has been intense and has given us a major headache. The Soundcheck philosophy is about getting musicians to co-operate and there has understandably been a little bit of fighting over what is, in this case a major prize. In trying to console those who do not get the gig we are saying that this is the first of many such events and we will be using any profits from this to promote an even bigger gig with more opportunities for local acts"

Jonathan has been a key player in making this happen and Soundcheck will be making a serious contribution to his Mum and Dads next phone bill along with Manx Pronto Mobile.

From knowing very little about the way the music business works, in the year it has taken to get this far, a great deal has been learned. Including a tie up with the music paper Melody Maker and the record company Polydor who are both sending representatives over to the Island for this one off concert.

Cast have said that this may be their only UK gig for the year 2000 as they are back in the recording studio next week for their new albulm and do not envisage playing live again until 2001.

Jonathan said: " All the people I have had dealings with in trying to get this together have been extremely helpful and supportive of what we are trying to do. Ian Williams from Concert Sound and Glen Johnson the Cast lighting designer (as well as many others including tour managers etc) have been great, and also very patient, I think they have spent a lot of time over this gig, maybe even more than when Cast performed at Glastonbury. I would also personally like to thank David Cretney, MHK without whose help this would not have happened"

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