Changes Needed !

Re: Changes Needed !
Best discussions for a long time..thanks, Russ.
I have always been an advocate of making the initial entry to TT or Manx as stiff as possible, and, in fact, the continuing qualification by racing elsewhere too. I really don't think anyone should race once a year, and that on the most demanding course in the world.I used to cover the Manx for papers here in Scotland, and there would be riders whose names meant nothing to me, claiming in the programme to be Scottish Champions etc (aye, right!)Clearly they had not been seriously checked, and some of them paid the price.
International licences should be hard to get, and have to be earned each year. Certainly qualification times should be realistic, and I like Russ's thoughts...can't argue with someone with his experience, and his reputation for encouraging and supporting newcomers.
However, every rider who qualifies in either TT or Manx is entitled to our respect, and I'm afraid Garry was not respectful in his personalisation of the argument, particularly in his RRR pieces. I think he is a great rider, both solo and sidecar, riding in my 2 favourite classes with a deal of success, but that doesn't entitle him to denigrate other competitors. Anita Buxton was great at the NW200. I know because I was there. I hope Garry gets his knee fixed, and his manners back soon!!
22-05-2004, 01:49 PM

Re: Changes Needed !
i'd still like to know why ninety odd people have looked at your "stuck record" with no message in it. some people must be seriously bored :-]
22-05-2004, 02:27 PM

Re: Changes Needed !
Thats what happens with message boards Ade its like a dangling carrot, that no one can resist cos it doesn't tell you who's looked ;-)
Like the one's that say FTAO ADE, and you find either you looked at your message more than you realised or there are alot of Ade's!!! God help us if the latter ;-)
Hope Helen didn't think I was picking her out in the last message, just I know you like the sidecars ;-)
22-05-2004, 03:10 PM

Re: Changes Needed !
Not at all, Russ, I knew what you meant. Like you I think Garry's OK, and a class rider, but manners maketh the man...
22-05-2004, 04:23 PM

Re: Changes Needed !
I've enjoyed this thread the best bit was finding out I've been round the TT course than a Brtiish Champion wohoooooooooooo
22-05-2004, 05:57 PM

Re: Changes Needed !
That should of course read "faster than"
22-05-2004, 05:58 PM


22-05-2004, 06:49 PM

Re: Changes Needed !
Be carefull on the Ballacrae jump Cargo?
22-05-2004, 06:54 PM

Re: Changes Needed !
yes four changes needed for a Manx GP race there...............pants that is
22-05-2004, 07:37 PM

Re: Changes Needed !
Hi Helen
Well I'm not sure how to react to your last posting it was both flattering and confusing for me on a personal level.
Whilst not wanting to disillusion you from your high opinion of my racing acheivements, other than the first two years where I rode almost every weekend, in 94 I rode 3 meetings before the Manx, Scarboro Aberdare and Barkston Heath, in the 4 meetings including MGP I had 6 crashes and 2 wins. From MGP 95 lightweight race to the very start of practice in 96 I never even sat on a bike, not in a showroom, a garage, or in my dreams, but then I went out and won the lightweight race and never fell off once ;-), so I have to disagree with the once a year racer opinion, sorry ;-0
Each rider should be accepted, or declined on their own merits, you see some riders can get on a bike once a year and be competitive, whilst others can race/ride all year round and be a liability, I've proved this myself ;-0

23-05-2004, 09:23 AM

Re: Changes Needed !
Hi Russ. I still think it is an unnecessary risk to allow someone to race once a year in these circumstances. You are an example of someone for whom it worked, it was safe, and you did brilliantly. However, there are others, who would be middle of the field or at the back, whose ability and experience needs to be reinforced with practice or regular racing. Some of the people I was thinking of, were in the habit of doing the Manx as their only race, over a period of several years. I have a feeling you can't do that now, and I would certainly feel uncomfortable seeing someone of that ilk riding among the top Manx Grand Prix guys, who, lets face it, are TT material...look at the times for the top 3 Manx finishers in any class these days...usually better than the majority of TT finishers.
23-05-2004, 11:19 AM

Re: Changes Needed !
David. As I've said already, if Gail and yourself don't agree with my comments then that is your perrogative. I will not retract any remarks that were mentioned on rrr, as that would look like I'm two faced, which I'm not.

Plus I do put something back into the sport, as I work on occasions with the ACU academy. Passing on help advice etc, to riders already racing and complete newcomers. At any race events, I'm only to willing to do the same to who ever whats any help. I dont bite, well not much : )

During my career I've witnessed some unpleasant accidents etc, and some could have so easily been avoided. All I want to see is a safer enviroment for all riders, out there racing. Now here's something for the future, if we could get enough rider's to warrant the event. To hire a race track for a day, and I along with another instructor be there to assist with bike set, racing etc. I'm sure my good mate Russ Henley would come along and help run the event with me. What do you think Russ ?
23-05-2004, 10:47 PM

Re: Changes Needed !
No problem, Garry. People don't always agree, and it seems we differ on this particular matter. But I fully respect your desire to help to make the sport safer, and I think the idea of running a track day with Russ is an excellent one and I hopes it gets plenty of support. Gail's just told me that if we can arrange a weekend away she'll come along and you can teach her how to hammer the 125 a bit quicker through the chicanes at the North West! Then we'll buy you a beer afterwards Smile
23-05-2004, 11:21 PM

Re: Changes Needed !
Great idea Garry, and just the sort of thing I would expect f5om you and Russ.Incidentally, can I just say, its not just slower riders who are a hazard. I can think if some top, fast people whose names bring sharp intakes of breath, and comments of "Wouldn't like to be close to him in a corner, etc." It is possible to be faster or slower and safe, if you are aware of other riders, and treat them, and the circuit with respect.
24-05-2004, 06:43 AM

Re: Changes Needed !
DID any of you see the Tandagree accident
involving Eleanor Forrest ? and a top rider ?
Elle was on a 250 and the other rider a 1000cc.
How can anyone think mixing these two capacities
as safe ?
If you saw it, you do you think was 'unsafe' ?
Its not just the slower riders who are 'unsafe',
they should respect passing any other rider 'safely'.
24-05-2004, 06:09 PM

Re: Changes Needed !

Whilst I agree with you about the danger's of mixing 250cc bikes and 100cc bikes in the same races, I think you are being unfair on Richard, as he gave Elle lots of space as he lapped her. This was shown on Richard's on board footage, although the editing on the BBC NI program perhaps didn't do Richard justice.

Richard coming past perhaps unsettled Elle, and I am sure she wouldn't blame Richard for any part in the crash.

Get well soon Elle.


24-05-2004, 07:02 PM

Re: Changes Needed !
To Eleanor's credit, she wouldn't tell us who the other rider involved was when she emailed us the following week (this was before the TV pictures were shown!). Although the TV pictures weren't conclusive, I don't think any blame can be apportioned to either rider, it was just one of those unfortunate things that sometimes happens in racing.

The last we heard from her, last week sometime, was that she is all set to compete in the pre-TT Classic races at Billown starting this weekend.
24-05-2004, 11:21 PM

Re: Changes Needed !
David, Thats no problem, I'll make some enquires whilst recovering from my op. Like I said any support advice I can offer then I will.
26-05-2004, 09:33 AM

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