Competitor course information
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RE: Competitor course information
(06-01-2015, 10:01 AM)Kursaal Flyer Wrote: With the assistance of the different DVD's I have been watching I am now putting names to some of the corners . I did not think this was relevant to me as a rider as I was more interested in shapes than names , but since I have started to learn some names its helping me think about what is coming next so maybe there is something to be gained from this extra knowledge.

Well done KF most spectators at the MGP /TT dont realize the amount of commitment and cost to get to race on the island ,my lad was a newcomer last year so we know all about it,he managed to win 2 replicas so we were all chuffed and he will be racing again this learning the course take it easy for first laps and gradually build up your speed ,the island course can catch out even experienced racers so ride within your limits,but most of all enjoy it and be safe.
19-05-2015, 07:55 AM
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Kursaal Flyer Offline

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RE: Competitor course information
Thanks full-chat. I am still learning the course doing my homework most evenings, its flowing much easier in side this old brain than it was a few months ago. I am looking forward to the challenge and will treat the the whole track with the respect it deserves and ride within those limits . I have personal goals in this challenge but in reality qualification 1st a finishers medal 2nd . Then going home with this stupid grin stuck on my face then boring all those around me with the tale of how I rode the world famous TT course !
Old enough to know better, young enough to have given it a go ! Icon_cool
20-05-2015, 09:52 AM
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Splashdown Offline
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RE: Competitor course information
Getting closer KF!
Don't work too hard on your course knowledge, as a lot of it will come with the laps you ride. Hopefully lots. It IS different now, as usually you can expect to get a bike round the course, whereas there used to be loads of breakdowns.
However, I will be testing you on your course knowledge............!
I think a pretty good way to ride your first lap on your own, (as your very first lap will be Travelling Marshal controlled), is to imagine you are out on an open road on a fast road bike.

Anyway, re boring your friends with tales of how you rode the TT course, I used to do it's tales of rounds of golf!
How sad is that?
Looking forward to meeting you over there.
20-05-2015, 11:45 AM
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Steady the Edward Offline
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RE: Competitor course information
I like Granty's comment when someone asked him what the smoothest lines were , he said " the best line round there lad is the white line " is that the because its smoother asked the lad , " no Lad " says Granty " its further away from't blood walls lad "
and that is advice I have given new riders many a time ride the white line then as you learn where that white line goes you can start and trimm the lines into faster lines and smoother lines

20-05-2015, 02:03 PM
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Kursaal Flyer Offline

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RE: Competitor course information
Just time in a busy preperation period for another update . I have carried out some bike mods from information that I picked up during the Mike Hailwood foundation TT course training weekend, this course is so worth the effort for all newcomers you learn you meet you make friends and a visit to the Isle of Man thrown in as well ! Great stuff.
I have now got my notes for getting round the course in rally co driver note style. Most notes trigger more information but that part is hopefully tucked away in my memory banks , all I need is the memorise these notes as the co driver is not actually coming with me Exclamation 

I have booked a two day recce for mid July so I can come back and check my pace notes in the real world. I would like to have come over on a bike but cost and time wise it is not pratical so I am going to fly and use a small cheap car.
After watching the Grand Prix Racer documentry the other weekend I went to Croft to support a friend and I meet steely frame Honda Adam from the documentry and had a quick chat . I am not racing myself at the moment, after getting this far along the journey to the mountain I cannot take the risk of injury putting me out or damage to the bike which I can not really afford.

Watching the TT coverage with my wife was interesting to say the least , though stunning to watch I am not sure it was what my wife need to see to put her at ease. I have explained that what she was watching on the box was the pinicle of TT motorcycle sport and I would be approaching the Manx from a totally different speed level, base camp !  

As far as I can make out everything is heading in the right direction , I am looking forward to meeting new friends particulary those who have been giving me advice and help and support via social media like this web site and facebook  . 
Old enough to know better, young enough to have given it a go ! Icon_cool
(This post was last modified: 17-06-2015, 09:42 AM by Kursaal Flyer.)
17-06-2015, 09:40 AM
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Alfie Noakes Offline

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RE: Competitor course information
Hey KF looks like we won't be able to post soon on here sooooo - you jammy git getting to go out there with all that lovely road to yourself, don't close the visor coz it'll steam up hahahaha first mile or so first lap, most importantly enjoy it mate really enjoy the return on your commitmant, don't go putting yourself under pressure - there's a load more fun to be had next time and after that.
17-06-2015, 06:08 PM
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Kursaal Flyer Offline

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RE: Competitor course information
I have some communication with regards to my updates which I will no longer be able to do on here . But what I will do is see if I can copy the information from here to a diary section on my little web page I will add updates there. ( the diary section is not on the page yet please give me a couple of days to try to sort this out) my web site is .
Best regards to all this is a shame it has come to this

Keith Terry Newcomer 74 proud as punch to be getting there.
Old enough to know better, young enough to have given it a go ! Icon_cool
18-06-2015, 09:23 AM
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Alfie Noakes Offline

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RE: Competitor course information
Good man, queuing up and taking my bike first time through scrutineering was a proud thing for me, all part of the buzz, friendships and get together for everybody involved at the event.
18-06-2015, 10:23 AM
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Kursaal Flyer Offline

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RE: Competitor course information
Well . Thanks to Malcolms change of heart I am still able to bring you my Manx ramblings on here. Thanks again Malcolm Icon_biggrin  Well its about a month since my last update so whats been going on. No racing just preperation at this stage. The bikes almost ready its been away to have the suspension sorted. It feels as soft as a babies bottom now so much softer than the race track set up I am used too. My home made radiator grills are fitted, a steering damper is on the way. Lots of torqued bolts with tell tail paint lines so making checking the bike easier between practices.
The body work is having a new coat of paint I want it to look its best as it flashes past !
I going to take it out at Lydden in a couple of weeks the reason I have chosen there is because its the roughest track I know, and this will help me in giving the suspension a good work out and see what it feels like.
I have a nice long check list of things to get and do and wish I could actually cross some of the items off ,I have applied for but I am still waiting for things like my mountain course licence and caravan permit small things but life is easier once they are here and crossed of the list, another thing less to worry about !
Thursday I am flying to the Island to spend two days checking the course out again. Nicest thing is I will be able to concerntrate on any areas around the course where I feel my knowledge is weak. It will be good to see the course and how it will be when I return in just over 5 weeks time to ride it for real !!
The moment when I sit on my bike waiting to go of down Bray Hill has been a long time coming but now as we get closer to the time it seems to be approaching like a stampede.    
Old enough to know better, young enough to have given it a go ! Icon_cool
14-07-2015, 03:51 PM
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Splashdown Offline
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RE: Competitor course information
Good work KF. Nobody could fault your preparation.
Just remembered one thing that the MGP scrutineers insist on. You must have the pinch bolts on the front wheel spindle lock wired. Pain in the **** on a ER6, but that may be something you're not aware of.
If there's anything else, I'll let you know.
When you get there, I may let you know the "eight apexes of the mountain", which will also help you.
14-07-2015, 04:11 PM
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Kursaal Flyer Offline

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RE: Competitor course information
I know its not long since my last update but I have just returned from my last visit to the island before the big one Icon_exclaim I feel I should at this stage try to express my feelings and emotions . I flew over Thursday hired a little car and drove around the circuit checking the course against my pace notes as I call them, against the reality of which is the TT mountain circuit. A few tweaks and adjustments and they are pretty much there . My first thoughts as I am driving round is I cannot describe it any other way as I am going to be involved in probably one of the most bonkers things on earth and its legal ! This thought kept me smiling as I was driving round anyway.
If you have never been to the Manx or the TT one thing you will not  be able to see from any on board footage is the massive amount of elevation changes there are as you go round , everybody talks about Bray Hill and the mountain but there are hills both up and down everywhere . 
The two days passed quickly but by the time I left I felt the next step in my learning curve will be my first speed control lap under closed road conditions. This lap is compulsory to all newcomers to the Manx and the TT and is completed behind an experienced course rider going at a steady pace. ( Steady pace is my description not the organisers )  During my few days on the island I have been using as much of the road as I could safely so the only way to use the rest will be under the closed road conditions.
I flew back last night and I will try to describe the way I feel since giving the car back at the airport I have this sort of internal buzz and smug grin and my blood is flowing with more life than it has for a ages, is it nervous energy, anticipation, fright .I do not know but I am loving it every inch of the way Exclamation
I woke early than I expected and my brain has switched straight on and has gone straight into race mode thinking about have I done this and I need to get that but racing is like that , Living life for real.

As a foot note the small car I hired went well but handled like rubbish braking from high speed it wallowed like a balloon filled with water rolling down a hill , and did not like any steering input adjustment once it was set up in a corner. Give me a bike any day Icon_cool 
While I was there I popped into the MMCC office to say hello and found out I am last away in my race which is a shame I would have preferred someone behind me as well as in front, but subject to achieving the qualification time the main thing is I am on the grid !
Old enough to know better, young enough to have given it a go ! Icon_cool
(This post was last modified: 18-07-2015, 12:02 PM by Kursaal Flyer.)
18-07-2015, 11:53 AM
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Kursaal Flyer Offline

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RE: Competitor course information
Well the days are counting down , the whole thing is shall I say becoming a little bit more real . I am more concerned by the last few things slotting into place rather than the actual thought of riding the Manx course itself which I am now itching to get on with and do.
Waiting for the fire proof suits to arrive , my caravan permit, and a few bits and bobs for the bike are my real concerns , I just want this all here and in place so I can relax and chill before the big off with the drive up to Heysham for the ferry . 
I am looking forward to challenge of the mountain course and hope that the effort put in watching on boards and plotting and checking my course notes will pay dividends once I get there. Refering to one of my early posts in this section I mentioned about not needing to know corner names but as a racer the shapes and curves were more important , I will admit that on a course as large at the TT knowing reference points by name as well as where it goes has helped so much, it gives me as a rider more information to prepare for whats next than you need doing short tracks. This point, plus what I have learned with two pre race visits would be the must do things I would recommend to any budding newcomer.
The local paper are coming round for an interview and take some photographs with me all geared up and no where to ride ! This gives me opportunity to thank the locals that have given me something towards getting there.
Old enough to know better, young enough to have given it a go ! Icon_cool
03-08-2015, 03:13 PM
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bsa499 Offline
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RE: Competitor course information
Evening Kursaal Flyer, I really wish you well for your début and having read your posts I can see you've prepared extremely well. My practice strategy which was generally successful over the years comprised concentrating on getting the laps in, I never bothered about the speed. The qualifying speeds aren't too challenging and the speed comes as the week goes on. I vividly remember my first closed roads lap as the B50's steering head came loose up on the mountain (everything will come loose on the mountain course if it isn't tightened and wire locked or 'Loctite'd' correctly) and I should have pulled in, but didn't I was so desperate to get the lap in. That first lap and the 1993 event as a whole was an experience I'll never forget and I hope you experience the same surreal buzz I did. If you let me know your number I'll keep an eye out for you and maybe pop round for a brew. Very best wishes Andrew. 
03-08-2015, 06:09 PM
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Alfie Noakes Offline

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RE: Competitor course information
Second that BSA, don't pressurise yourself KF with speeds/times etc, enjoying it all in the first couple of years is the most important thing and you defo want to be back for more if you get on with the course, with a smaller cc bike once you're feeling more at home see if you can pay a little more attention to corners/sections with long full throttle runs afterwards, don't be afraid to ask anybody for help, there's a tremendous atmosphere at (I still call it) The Manx which just adds to the whole scenario. best rgds jealous Alfie.
03-08-2015, 08:14 PM
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Raynetjr Offline

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RE: Competitor course information
Great to hear how things are going - looking forward to popping by in a couple of weeks!

Raynet jr
06-08-2015, 07:39 AM
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super6 Offline
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RE: Competitor course information
(06-08-2015, 07:39 AM)Raynetjr Wrote: Great to hear how things are going - looking forward to popping by in a couple of weeks!

Raynet jr

Reading the post regarding Mick Grant's comment re the best line is the white line brought back a fond memory of the late Bob Dowty who has just passed away.
The first time I rode the mountain course I asked Bob Dowty jnr for any tips regarding riding the course and he said The bits you know go for it and the bits you're unsure of stick to the white line. Bob snr who was sat quietly in the background said "I would do it slightly different Mick. I'd go one foot to the left or one foot to the right cos you'll find someone else is sat on the white line" Wise words. Rip Bob.
06-08-2015, 05:37 PM
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Kursaal Flyer Offline

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RE: Competitor course information
Well , the moment of truth approaches . This time next week subject to enough marshals signing on and turning up I will of had one speed control lap and a free practice lap of the famous Isle of Man mountain course. If any of you have been on my web page at and you have read my history you will know that my path to get to this point has been a long one and I am only here today because as far as I know somebody ( my new best mate who ever you are ) challenged the entry criteria on its ageist based policy and I am very pleased to say the rules were altered so that as long as you are fit enough and can pass a medical you can race.
The bikes ready and hopefully everything has been done to ensure a trouble free Manx. The spares are ready and sorted the caravan is just itching to get on the back of the van and hit the road for our ferry on Thursday.
The to do list is now a lot shorter and most are just niff naff and trivia,still waiting for for a pit crew suit one came through and was far to large so it went back to be replaced , I hope it comes soon as they are all kitted out in the same colour and they almost look professional !
I have my caravan permit something everybody must have to take one to the island very easy to get.
I have built my timetable of things I must do once I get there which is important as failure to complete something or attend some meetings could result in not riding , I have not come this far on this journey to falter at the last hurdle.
I cannot really think of much more to write at the moment , me myself I am anxious about everything, getting there, forgetting something , all the usual pre race stuff most racers have to go through . The nerves will come I am sure about that but i can handle those.
Once there if you want to say hello feel free pop in white van and Gazebo  IOM flag with the number 74 attached.

All the best to my fellow riders have a good ride and stay safe.

 Keith Terry
Old enough to know better, young enough to have given it a go ! Icon_cool
16-08-2015, 04:13 PM
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larryd Offline
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RE: Competitor course information
Keith - talk to Stephen "Cargo" Carr, in the paddock under the Australian flag, and to Barry Wood. They will be pleased to tell you all you need to 

know about the best circuit in the world.
16-08-2015, 11:06 PM
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Splashdown Offline
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RE: Competitor course information
Keith, as Riders Liaison Officer, I am in the Paddock to assist should you have any issues. Please don't hesitate to come along for a chat.
17-08-2015, 12:18 AM
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full-chat Offline
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RE: Competitor course information
hi kursaal,we are on the ferry from liverpool thursday,will call for a chat,i expect you are out sat (depending on marshall availability)if i dont see you by then,have a good ride and enjoy yourself, you must have worked hard to achieve your ambition well done.
17-08-2015, 01:17 PM
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